Notifications are great, specially on a social platform they help you
keep at pace with what is happening on your content. Which is critical
for your persona in social space, after all you would like to know what
is happening to content you post, is it being liked, commented upon
(discussed), shared etc.
One problem with social platforms is that they do not provide sufficient mechanism to control these notifications. There is no way to mention if you would want notifications for a particular event, what kind of notification should that be, would you like to just have details of event like “User A commented on blog you posted” or would you want to have contents of the comment and blog as well.

IBM Connections fortunately is different and provides full capability to administrators for managing notifications and its contents. For this IBM Connections uses a a technology called templates or more popularly knows as Free marker templates. More can be read about templates on
IBM Connections Documentation page : Customizing Notifications
Details of Freemarker can be found here : What is Freemarker
Feel free to edit those template files based on what notifications you want and how you want them. Best of all you do not even need to restart servers if use Freemarker tool.
One problem with social platforms is that they do not provide sufficient mechanism to control these notifications. There is no way to mention if you would want notifications for a particular event, what kind of notification should that be, would you like to just have details of event like “User A commented on blog you posted” or would you want to have contents of the comment and blog as well.

IBM Connections fortunately is different and provides full capability to administrators for managing notifications and its contents. For this IBM Connections uses a a technology called templates or more popularly knows as Free marker templates. More can be read about templates on
IBM Connections Documentation page : Customizing Notifications
Details of Freemarker can be found here : What is Freemarker
Feel free to edit those template files based on what notifications you want and how you want them. Best of all you do not even need to restart servers if use Freemarker tool.