Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Firefox trick : Opening tabs in same window

As a developer I love Tabbed browsing experience on browsers like Firefox and Chrome. So when a customer asked me on how he can prevent opening tabs for all the hyperlinks he clicked on, I was left puzzled.

As with life, every individual has his own preferences while browsing any web based application. Some of us like have links open in new tab, while others may consider it a major distraction and annoyance to maintain these tabs. Check below snapshot on crazy number of tabs


Luckily all browsers allow end users to control how hyperlinks should behave, if they should open the new page in same window or launch a new tab for it. If you are using Firefox, default behavior is opening new tab, but if you want to change it use below instructions.

1. Open about:config
2. Type in
3. Change the value to 1 (instead of default being 3).
4. All external links would open in same tab from now onwards.


Merging and Splitting PDF files

We all use and rely on PDF's. There are occasions though when you want to edit certain portions of a pdf and merge the edited version ba...